State of day. Up on Natalie
Whipple’s blog there’s a lovely story from her childhood,
check it out.
So this is my first review on my blog,
and I think it ran a little wild, sorry but the Hobbit is Sick dude!
You can’t accuse a Sudanese girl born
in Saudi Arabia in the eighties of living in a bomb shelter for not coming
across The Hobbit, more than you can accuse Harry & Hermione of that
since they knew nothing about the tales of Beedle the Bard. The brothers Grimm
stories were the European classics I knew but Tolkien books? No! sorry doesn’t
ring a bell, you hit me in a blank place. Should I say more?
What can I say about The Hobbit? Such a
perfect book that happens to be the Lord of The Rings on a smaller scale.
The best dialogue
ever with catchy lines and everything, best descriptions, wonderful creatures,
swords with ancient histories and songs
people Poetry!
I loved the maps and
moon letters, and elf cities and dark woods, and different languages Ah!
(Elrond, graceful as
usual makes a tomboy girl like me too ashamed to speak)
Remember in The Two Towers movie, the
battle of Helms Deep when Legolas skates down the stairs on a shield shooting
arrows at Orks? Well I remember saying to Strategykid that this is how
skateboarding was invented. It was a joke of course, I had no idea that Tolkien
have mentioned the invention of golf and well known proverbs in his book,
was SO cool :D