Sunday, January 26, 2014

Your Captain: The Mentally Ill

State of day. I want to thank Nathan Bransford for coming across subjects like writers and depression and that he shared the info that The Rejectionist is making an anticipated serial about writers and mental illness that I enjoyed thus far, I also want t thank Michelle D. Argyle for her open attitude towards her mental problems on her blog, and a big thank you for Natalie Whipple because it was  her honesty about her struggles with anxiety that helped me recognize my own troubles back in 2012. :)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Joys and Fashion in Fifa Ballon d'Or world

Hello There!

Well!!! here are the boys!

The Barca boys at yesterday’s Fifa Ballon d’or annual gala at Zurich, looking very elegant and dazzling with Leo shinning a little brighter, haha. A pretty photo missing only the Don Iniesta since he chose not to grace the gala with his precious presence this year, he had a small bump on the leg in the last match with Atletico and preferred to make sure not to push himself too hard. It’s a world cup year and stuff (obvious with the Brazilian mascot  Fuleco spreading his arms yesterday and scaring children of stage!) we don’t want any mistakes, for God’s sake NO more injuries!!!!! Please or I’ll shoot myself.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

I'm SO Jamming this post 2014!


Hello dear readers and Alsalamu3alaekum

2014 here we are, the beginning of a new year and man how I feel euphoric! And what a better way to say Hello to the new year than to invite you to the land of Barcelona, oh Qatar Airways please fly me there! After all this is a year of a World Cup eh!